
Free Amazon Gift Cards And Country Living

A few months ago I decided to try a couple of things to see what could really be had for FREE. You know the saying," If it's too good to be true". Well, I have found there are some great freebies out there. In the last nine months I have earned enough Swagbucks to get 13 five dollar Amazon gift cards! Yep,$65.00! All you have to do is sign up and remember to log in. Then the points just pop up here and there. If you get referrals you earn points from that too. Want to start earning? Click the link below.


Autumn Has Arrived!

Actually, I have been working on some projects for the house. Which I promise to show you soon. Just thought I'd share some photos I took  today.

 Good Night!


God is Good

View from my front porch. Am I blessed ? You bet! Thank you Heavenly Father, for showing me the beauty in this world and answered prayers.


Princess Lilliana

Our youngest little princess turned 4 this week. Oh,how I miss this chubby little face!

Princess Lilliana arrived at her party wearing a lovely, birthday ball gown as any proper princess would! However,the princess felt it unnecessary to have her hair brushed. A falling down ponytail suits her just fine. But then she is the princess!

 The princess is not fond of proper etiquette! But then,we never said she was lady like!

It is important for royalty to have their own style.She knows how to dress...... and THAT is THAT!!!

That's one reason we love her so much.(Please don't call Childrens Services that is only face paint!)

Happy Birthday Lilly Beffers! You are my sunshine!
Love you to the moon and back!